martes, 9 de junio de 2015

piedras del tunjo

The legend most often heard about these stones is that many years ago the priest who was building the Church of Facatativá ran out of stone, what reason had to stop construction, until one day the devil appeared to him and This proposed a deal "in exchange for the stone you need to finish the church, you give me your soul." The father immediately agreed and that's how the devil, in the company of many devils, was bringing the stones one after another. Until one day was so much guilt and remorse felt the priest, who finished regretting the deal, then the devil was enraged and ordered to leave the stones thrown there.

Another version is that Facatativá was a lake that dried and stones were exposed. Subsequently Zipa Facatativá Tisquesusa populated and used them to paint their experiences and beliefs.

One of these stones is that of the "Snake", and not because it is carved with the image, but because it has inside a cave. It tells the story that was used to demonstrate the strength of men to compete for status within the group, they say that they passed one by one through the tunnel and from above them threw stones, arrows and he managed to go live stood in the top of the stone, where there are approximately 10 holes used by women to cleanse the body of men covered in blood.

parque natural los katios

The park was created , with the aim of preserving natural areas little tapped for the conduct of scientific research , recreation and environmental education ; producers protect areas of environmental goods and services. Keep the area as a world heritage; protect the complex Tumaradó swamps and all the surrounding marshy area and the area of primary forest in the Serrania del Darien.
It is located northwest of Colombia . It is part of the Darien region , which covers Panama and Colombia . It is in the jurisdiction of the municipalities of Riosucio (Chocó ) 63 % , Turbo (Antioquia ) 35% Unguía (Chocó ) 3%
The climate varies within the park : in the highlands with a temperature of 23 ° C , while in the lowlands reaches 27 degrees C.

jueves, 4 de junio de 2015

Isla del rosario

The beautiful Rosario Islands are a beautiful place to visit, considered a marvel of nature. Its natural scenery, clear water and coral formations show a unique ecosystem in the world.

Visit "Islands", as colloquially call it, it is recommended for all visitors to Cartagena ride. On the islands there are different sites priced from $ 100,000 Col. pesos for a picnic with food and transportation included; The speedboat ride takes about 45 minutes leaving from the dock of La Bodeguita in the Historic Center. There are several tour operators offering service to the islands, we recommend making reservations in advance. If budget and time allows, sleep at least one night. Enjoy an evening with good company and his favorite drink is unmatched. Please Click Here to see hotels in the islands.
The food in the islands is exquisite, you can eat a typical fish meal with coconut rice, fried plantains and salad. Also get fresh lobster, crab, squid and other delicacies.
A visit to the Oceanarium, where you can see a show of dolphins, sharks, turtles and lots of fish in the Caribbean living in their natural habitat, is highly recommended.


 AQUARIUM SEA MUSEUM RODADERO is located ten minutes from the Rodadero tourist resort in the city of Santa Marta.
Currently Aquarium is part of the Colombian Association of Zoos and Aquariums ( ACOPAZOA ) , International Association of Coaches Mammals ( IMATA ) and the National Museums network .
The aquarium was founded 45 years ago by Captain Francisco Ospina Navia who was engaged in commercial fishing of sharks. He started building pools at sea and gradually gain species for the aquarium. As the years passed aquarium equipment has been concerned with increasing the number of species on display , and to increase the portfolio of services Rodadero aquarium and sea museum .

martes, 2 de junio de 2015

San Andres

Andrés is part of an archipelago of San Andres; It has great tourist attractions. To the south it is well knownas La Loma and San Luis, a town that is characterized as a flat area where the major crops of coconuts populations. It has an exotic landscape, its beaches are the main attraction. San Andrés not only beautiful landscapes stains but also fine cuisine consisting of dishes made with fish, conch, lobster and crab; all accompanied with coconut, banana, cassava and coconut milk. The typical dish is the Rondón, a kind of fish stew and snail. San Andres is located in Savannah towers at the foot of samber about 191 kilometers east of Nicaragua and northeast Costa Rica and 775 kilometers northwest of the coast of Colombia. The 26 km² make it the largest island of the archipelago. Providence, the island next in size, is located 80 km noreste.4 San Andres is located in Savannah towers at the foot of samber about 191 kilometers east of Nicaragua and northeast Costa Rica and 775 kilometers northwest of the coast of Colombia. The 26 km² make it the largest island of the archipelago. Providence, the island next in size, is located 80 km noreste.4 The Green Moon Festival is held annually on the island of San Andres, which reflects characteristics that show the history of the Islands as the disappearance of the indigenous population, colonization and other historical events. It is a great and wonderful place to go

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2015


The charm of the Amazon rainforest is reflected in this park , rivers, watersheds , trees over 40 meters high and rich flora , make under this jungle environment inhabit great diversity of animal species.
Visitors will find some of the most important rivers in the country , Caquetá, Cahuinarí and Pama . Variety of soil types , geological formations , tropical humid climate , natural breeding piranha, peacock bass , dairy or bully , stifle and charapa , a real adventure through the Amazon.
Location: Department of Amazonas, within the jurisdiction of the municipality of Puerto Santander.

domingo, 10 de mayo de 2015

parte eje cafetero

Tourism Coffee " The Coffee Park , known coffee culture . The Coffee Park , known coffee culture .The Coffee Park offers visitors fun and entertainment through the coffee culture , revealing the importance of coffee and the coffee guild in the economic development of the country , in a natural environment with innovative , reliable and secure cultural attractions and mechanical , committed to the conservation of the environment, the welfare of our employees and the community . The Coffee Park , known coffee culture .

HOW TO GET: From Armenia: Take the race 19 south and turn off to the right, on the road to Montenegro 25 ( Right in the Old Train Station ) . I continue in this way until you reach Montenegro and there look out for Pueblo Tapao . At kilometer 5 for the main entrance of the National Coffee Park. The Lookout Tower, which becomes the symbol Coffee Park is only the first appeal of the place , where you can see some municipalities as Armenia , Montenegro, La Tebaida . The Coffee Park offers also a beautiful view and landscape, the most comprehensive tour of the coffee culture and customs of a tradition that extends over the territory of the department of Quindio , accompanied by the pleasant climate of the region not exceeds 21 degrees and more than 25 mechanical and culture attractions