martes, 9 de junio de 2015

piedras del tunjo

The legend most often heard about these stones is that many years ago the priest who was building the Church of Facatativá ran out of stone, what reason had to stop construction, until one day the devil appeared to him and This proposed a deal "in exchange for the stone you need to finish the church, you give me your soul." The father immediately agreed and that's how the devil, in the company of many devils, was bringing the stones one after another. Until one day was so much guilt and remorse felt the priest, who finished regretting the deal, then the devil was enraged and ordered to leave the stones thrown there.

Another version is that Facatativá was a lake that dried and stones were exposed. Subsequently Zipa Facatativá Tisquesusa populated and used them to paint their experiences and beliefs.

One of these stones is that of the "Snake", and not because it is carved with the image, but because it has inside a cave. It tells the story that was used to demonstrate the strength of men to compete for status within the group, they say that they passed one by one through the tunnel and from above them threw stones, arrows and he managed to go live stood in the top of the stone, where there are approximately 10 holes used by women to cleanse the body of men covered in blood.

2 comentarios:

  1. This place if I know and I love, although they say that in some places in this park and it scared if I get a little scared when having to go .

    1. must be super nice for we can learn a lot about these PIEDAR and history is behind it
