jueves, 4 de junio de 2015

Isla del rosario

The beautiful Rosario Islands are a beautiful place to visit, considered a marvel of nature. Its natural scenery, clear water and coral formations show a unique ecosystem in the world.

Visit "Islands", as colloquially call it, it is recommended for all visitors to Cartagena ride. On the islands there are different sites priced from $ 100,000 Col. pesos for a picnic with food and transportation included; The speedboat ride takes about 45 minutes leaving from the dock of La Bodeguita in the Historic Center. There are several tour operators offering service to the islands, we recommend making reservations in advance. If budget and time allows, sleep at least one night. Enjoy an evening with good company and his favorite drink is unmatched. Please Click Here to see hotels in the islands.
The food in the islands is exquisite, you can eat a typical fish meal with coconut rice, fried plantains and salad. Also get fresh lobster, crab, squid and other delicacies.
A visit to the Oceanarium, where you can see a show of dolphins, sharks, turtles and lots of fish in the Caribbean living in their natural habitat, is highly recommended.

3 comentarios:

  1. The video shows how spectacular this place is, I 'm really encouraging that in my next vacation I have to do a tour to know these beautiful places .
